GPS Medical Alert Archive

Medical Alert Systems – View Top Rated Device For Seniors

Best Medical Alert System in the world: An In-Depth Look In today’s rapidly advancing world, the importance of technology in safeguarding our health can’t be overstated. Among the myriad of health tech solutions available,

Mini Guardian Medical Alert Device Review

One of the most intriguing medical alert systems to hit the personal emergency response system industry is the Mini Guardian.    As we’ve seen with Apple products time and time again, they have been

Does Alcohol Affect Memory?

Research in the past has documented the negative effects of alcohol on cognitive function. However, as reported in an article in Time, it may begin to affect memory sooner than was originally thought. In

Walking the Senior Blues Away

It’s too easy to get the blues when you’re growing older. Major phases in life have already gone by. Chronic health conditions are common among seniors. Many older people are widowed or divorced and

Seniors and a Healthy Diet: It Matters

Nutrition is important at any age, but even more so for seniors. Our bodies change as we get older and aging can affect the way we process food, our dietary needs, and our appetite.

Seniors Make the Best Mentors

As a senior, you’ve spent decades on the earth, accumulating knowledge and wisdom. But now that you’re retired, how can you put all that experience to good use? One way that seniors are finding

Medical Alert Systems with GPS – Be Safe on the Go

In the past, medical alert system lifesaving technology was only effective within the home. If a person wearing a medical alert bracelet or pendant slipped and fell in the tub or collapsed with a

Nevada Medical Alert

Whether it is the heat or plentiful golf courses or legal gambling, seniors are flocking to Nevada. The number of residents age 65 or older has skyrocketed 53% since 2000. While services are available,

Senior Medical Alarms

While we all know that getting older is simply a fact of life, it is not a fact that getting older means living in fear that something will go wrong and no one will

Medical Alert Systems for Seniors

Most medical experts and advocates for the elderly agree that medical alert systems for seniors should be part of the plan for a long, healthy and independent life for those over the age of

Having Trouble Making A Decision?

Is this for you or a loved one?