medical alert for seniors Archive

Peace Of Mind With A Medical Alert For Father’s Day

Every Dad deserves some peace of mind as they get older and nothing works better for that then a device to give Dad safety in the event of an emergency and get him a

Seniors Should Stay Home To Avoid CoronaVirus

With the recent pandemic of the COVID-19 CoronaVirus spreading around the world and the United States faster than any virus or epidemic we’ve ever seen in the last century, seniors are in the high

Top Ten Senior Health Concerns

People in the U.S. are expected to live longer than ever today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports that at age 65, average life expectancy is an additional 19.3 years. However,

Types of Senior Help Alarms

When you think about help alarms for seniors, you will likely first think of a medical alert system. While we obviously feel such a comprehensive system is the best protection money can buy for

Benefits of Medical Alert Systems for the Elderly

There is a fine line between being a senior citizen and being elderly. You can still be over 65 years of age and live a healthy and active lifestyle. However, being elderly infers that

Having Trouble Making A Decision?

Is this for you or a loved one?