BLOG / Medical Alert Systems

Alert Systems for Seniors – How to Choose Right


As we age, our bodies don’t always cooperate as they once did. Balance can become a serious issue for seniors, leaving them vulnerable to potentially fatal falls and injuries. Those who live alone can be especially at risk. The fear of falling and suffering injury can take an emotional toll on seniors, leading them to limit their activities to avoid jeopardizing health and wellness. However, having a medical alert system in the home can provide comfort knowing that they can get medical attention quickly should a fall or other injury occur. Choosing the right alert system also means choosing the right accessories to fit the needs and lifestyle of the individual.

Devices for Every Situation

Alert systems for seniors are available with several different accessories, and choosing the right system has a lot to do with personal preference. Most systems have the option for a pendant worn around the neck or a bracelet worn around the wrist. Both of these are similar in size and should be worn 24 hours a day, including while sleeping or bathing. These devices are connected to a home base unit to send a message to emergency services if the button is pushed.

Many medical alert companies offer a mobile system, perfect for those seniors who live an active lifestyle. The mobile device travels with you. When the device is activated, it uses a combination of cellular service and GPS technology to communicate with the individual, pinpoint the location, and dispatch emergency services when needed.

Choosing the Device to Fit Your Needs

Having a medical alert system can provide peace of mind for those seniors who worry about the risk of falling or suffering a serious injury while alone at home. Having the right device allows for immediate contact with emergency services if an accident happens, saving crucial minutes or even hours to get the necessary medical attention. Thankfully there are a variety of alert systems for seniors which come with a range of features to provide security for those who have concerns about their health and safety while living independently.

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