Medical Alert Systems for Seniors
Medical alert systems for seniors can be potential lifesavers for elderly folks in the event of medical or other types of emergencies. They are an absolute necessity for seniors who live alone or with a spouse.
It is often quoted that a third of all seniors will suffer a serious fall each year. The reason is because it is true and frightening. Many times, the fall victim is not able to get up and call for help. If you live alone, it could be days before someone comes to check up on you. By that time, it could be too late.
Even if you survive the initial fall, studies show that the longer it takes for help to arrive, the less likely it is that you will make a full recovery from your injures. Every minute counts. So imagine what could happen if you lie there for days?
With medical alert systems for seniors, all you would have to do is press the alert button that you wear around your neck or your wrist. Your base unit would jump into action and call the central monitoring facility. You would tell the operator that you have fallen and need help. An ambulance will be at your doorstep within moments.
If your injuries have left you unable to communicate with the monitor, never fear. The operator is trained to automatically send help if an alert is received and there is no response from the home.
You likely will never have to use medical alert systems for seniors, but it is nice to know that if you do need help, it is just a press of a button away. You cannot put a price on the peace of mind that this security would give you.