GPS monitoring Archive

Automatic Fall Detection for Seniors on the Go

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a press release with facts revealing that falls are leading cause of death and injury for older adults in the U.S. According to CDC statistics,

Tech Solutions to Protect Grandma and Grandpa

When dealing with aging loved ones, it can be hard to find a balance between keeping them happy and independent and keeping them safe. With longer lifespans, more effective medications, and increased rates of

Loving the Retirement Years Means Staying Active

Retiring Baby Boomers are very different than retirees of previous generations. While our parents and grandparents may have looked forward to a quiet, restful retirement after decades of strenuous activity, many Baby Boomers have

Modern Senior Care Strategies from Denmark: Should We Change Our Approach?

Denmark has been receiving attention for its national policy of moving away from providing nursing homes for its aging population and instead putting their energies into creating a system that helps the elderly remain

Having Trouble Making A Decision?

Is this for you or a loved one?