alert bracelet Archive

Great Exercise Programs for Seniors

Staying physically active is one of the most important ways a senior can maintain their physical and mental health as they age. Regular exercise has been shown to decrease some of the most common

A Healthy Senior is a Happy Senior

The healthy habits we develop early on in life tend to carry over into our senior years – healthy young people are more likely to become healthy seniors. But being an older adult comes

The Right Medical Alert System: How to Choose?

Elderly alert systems make it possible to get life-saving help on the way almost immediately in the event of heart attack, stroke, fall, or other medical emergency. But, with so many different systems on

Elder Care – New Technology Means Greater Freedom for Caregivers

As the population ages, more people are finding themselves in the role of part-time or full-time caregiver for an elderly parent or relative. Even senior citizens who choose to live independently may need someone

Aging Gracefully? How About Actively!

What, exactly, does aging gracefully even mean? For many years, the phrase was a less harsh statement about getting older, looking older, yet to some degree still “hanging in there.” Not very encouraging or

Retirement: Make the Transition Healthy

Are you 65 years old or older? If so, you probably know that your body does not perform as well in general as it did when you were younger. Yet for seniors, staying active

Technology to Support Modern Caregiving

It goes without saying that most elderly people would prefer to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. In the past, independent living was more difficult for many seniors, who often

Caring for your Elderly Relative

Either suddenly or gradually, you may now be finding yourself taking on a new role, that of caregiver for an elderly relative. Elderly needs cover a wide range, from simply checking in on mom

Medical Alerts: 24-Hour Monitoring

82-year-old Martin was upstairs in his home while his wife Betty was in the basement doing laundry. Suddenly, Martin felt a searing pain in his chest followed by his legs collapsing beneath him. He

Alert Systems for Seniors – How to Choose Right

As we age, our bodies don’t always cooperate as they once did. Balance can become a serious issue for seniors, leaving them vulnerable to potentially fatal falls and injuries. Those who live alone can

Having Trouble Making A Decision?

Is this for you or a loved one?